Professional Development Opportunities

Professional development workshops and training sessions change quickly depending on the agency and time of the year.  Some workshops/training are on-going and some are only offered once.  The best way to find out what is available today is to click on the following links and see what is available now or call the agency to learn more about their programs.

While there may be a charge for some of the programs, subsidies may be available upon request.

Creative Child Care Consulting

For a detailed list of Creative Child Care Consulting services please click on the following link.

Traudi Kelm – Early Learning and Childcare Specialist

Phone: 403-818-9305
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 403-208-6702

Diane McKean – After School Care Specialist

Phone: 403-607-3133
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 403-289-2142


Southern Alberta Family & Community Resource Centre, located at Alberta Children’s Hospital
Phone: 403-955-3272
Email: [email protected]

Community Education Service provides families and professionals with free evidence – informed child health and child mental health education sessions. Sessions are located at Alberta Children’s Hospital and at various venues in the community. Upcoming education sessions can be viewed by visiting – tab Education Calendar, tab Community presentations. CES is one component of the Southern Alberta Family & Community Resource Centre which provides support and resources for families and professionals across Southern Alberta

The Children’s Link Society
Phone: 403-230-9158
Fax: 403-230-3252
Email: [email protected]

The Children’s Link Society provides information and support links to families; communities; agencies and professionals in Western Canada for children and young adults with disabilities.

Centre Point Non Profit
Suite 1070, 1202 Centre Street SE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2G 5A5
Phone: 403-517-8600
Fax: 403-538-8601
Email: [email protected]

CentrePoint education focuses on the fundamentals of running non-profit organizations:  Board governance, fund development, leadership, marketing and communications as well as human resources.  Join us for classroom training or webinars.

Little Warriors
The Little Warriors Head Office is located at:
Suite 203, 10637 – 124 Street
Edmonton, AB  T5N1S5
Toll Free:   1-888-440-1343
Phone:        (780) 447-1343
Fax:             (780) 488-1343

Little Warriors is a charitable organization with a national focus that educates adults about how to help prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Little Warriors also provides information about the prevalence and frequency of child sexual abuse and information about healing and support resources.

Families Matter
Phone: 403-205-5178 (main line)
Phone: 403-205-5175 (registrations)
Phone: 403-205-5177 (postpartum support)
Email: [email protected]

Check out the website to learn about facilitator training opportunities in: Parent-Child Mother Goose, Terrific Toddlers Training for Professionals and The Virtues Project.