According to a 2004 U.S. poll of children:
- 86% of more than 1,200 9-13 year old boys and girls polled
said they’ve seen someone else being bullied - 48% said they’ve been bullied
- 42% admitted to bullying other kids at least once in a while
More stats on bystanders:
- When bystanders intervene, they can stop bullying within 10 seconds
over half the time - Even though most bystanders don’t like to watch bullying, less than
try to stop it. This happens frequently because they don’t know
what to do - 90% of students do not like to see someone bullied
- Bullying stops in less than 10 seconds, 57% of the time when someone intervenes on behalf of the victim – (Craig & Pepler, 1997)
- In playground observations, peers intervened in significantly more episodes than adults did (11% of episodes versus 4%) – (Craig and Pepler, 1997)
- In one study, 120 hours of video surveillance in Toronto schools
showed that in over 20% of bullying, peers actively reinforced bullying by
physically or verbally joining in the aggression. In 54% of cases, they reinforced the bully by watching but not joining in. In only 25% of cases did peers support the victim
More stats on children who bully others:
Both boys and girls bully. But boys and girls can vary in the ways they bully.
- Girls tend to inflict pain on a psychological level. For example, they might ostracize victims by freezing them out of the lunchroom seating arrangements, ignoring them on the playground, or shunning them when slumber party invitations are handed out
- Boys aren’t as subtle and they can get physical. For example, boy bullies are more apt to insult their victims on the playground than ignore them. Instead of isolating a non-athletic victim during a gym class dodge ball game, they might take relentless aim and target the child throw after throw
- Nearly 60% of boys whom researchers
classified as bullies in grades 6-9 were
convicted of at least one crime by the age
of 24, while 40% had three or more convictions - Bullying in school tends to increase through
elementary grades, peak in middle school, and drop off by the 11th and 12th grades – (Banks, 2000; NRCSS, 1999)
More stats on children who are bullied:
- Less than 10% of bullied children tell someone 8% of students miss 1 day of class per month for fear of Bullies
- About 17% of all calls to child help lines are made by children who are being bullied
- 282,000 students are physically attacked in secondary schools each month
- 10% of students who drop out of school do so because of repeated bullying (Weinhold & Weinhold, 1998)
- Research indicates that children with disabilities or special needs may be at a
higher risk of being bullied than other children – (see Rigby, 2002 for review) - Students who are bullied may fear going to school, using the bathroom, and riding on the school bus – (NEA, 2003)
An overall picture of bullying:
- Bullying occurs in school playgrounds every 7 minutes and once every 25 minutes in class – (Pepler et al, 1997)
- 10% of children endure bullying every day of their lives
- Every month, 13% of Canadian students report being victims of electronic bullying, or of electronically bullying others
- 60% of students pretend to be someone else when they are online. Of those, 17 per cent do so because they want to “act mean to people and get away with it” – (Media Awareness Network, 2005)
- About 1/3 of Alberta households surveyed said that bullying has affected their
family – (Ipsos Reid, 2006)
- Canada ranked a dismal 26th and 27th out of 35 countries on 13 year-old students’ reports of bullying and victimization, respectively (Craig & Harel, 2004)
- Children in lower grades are more
likely to be victims of same-age bullies. Younger students experience more direct bullying, whereas older students experience more indirect bullying – (Olweus, 1993) - 5,000,000 = Number of elementary and junior high school students, affected by bullying in the US
- Recent bullying statistics admit that half of all bullying incidents go unreported